Since mid-March, many countries have been under quarantine, and some firms and companies have closed for the period. Schools and universities are teaching children remotely. And it would seem convenient and safer. But it is very difficult to give college homework help to a student or explain a difficult lecture remotely. Also, according to analysts, about three million employees have stopped going to work, and that’s only those who are officially employed. Many companies are sending employees on unpaid leave, many have moved employees to remote work. We found out from experts what the pros and cons of working from home are, as well as how to be productive in such an environment.
Some professionals did not notice this transition to remote work, as well, as in normal times worked at home. But for many, working from home has become a real challenge, because the usual schedule and rhythm of life are disrupted. But it helps to save time on the road, traffic jams, and avoid eternal crowds in crowded transport.
Saving time on the road is an important advantage because it can be up to 3 hours in some cases. But in addition, there are savings of money.
The co-founder of the developer of educational technology “ENSOF”, also notes that when you work from home, there is more time to solve current issues.
There is more personal responsibility for each employee in terms of implementing tasks, which is a good impetus for professional and team growth. Additional time for self-education: a book or a video course that can be watched or read in between tasks is always at hand.
In addition, working from home, you don’t need to pick up outfits every day, you don’t need to spend money on lunches in cafes near the office or collect food parcels. Working remotely gives us the opportunity to sleep in longer and have more time for family and loved ones. Check out these Apartments for rent in Oklahoma City.
We can sleep a little longer or devote time to family and other personal interests exactly as much as it would have taken us to get ready in the morning for the office and travel. It is also possible to organize and supervise the children, who are also studying remotely.
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Minuses of working from home
Nevertheless, there are quite a few drawbacks in this whole situation, and especially for those who are used to working in an office.
Those who mostly spend their working hours at work – it is difficult to organize because most are not used to changing their usual way of life and get out of their comfort zone, or there are difficulties in the work itself, which is almost impossible to organize in a remote format (all depends on the specifics of the business), some productive moments will not do remotely.
Also, people are negatively affected by the whole situation around them, which provokes an unstable emotional state, from which it will not be easy to come out after the end of the quarantine. At a remote job with work, productivity begins to conflict with the comfort of home.
How to organize work at home: Tips and Best practices
1. Self Organization

Self-organization is not as easy as it seems, and in order to work efficiently and productively at home, we asked experts to share tips. The first thing they advise is to follow a regimen and adhere to a dress code rather than working in your pajamas.
2. Maintain Dress Code

Stick to the office dress code. As you know, clothing affects productivity and mood. You are still working, just at home. And yes, experienced freelancers may not adhere to this rule. But they know better than anyone how it affects their work attitude. You need to fix your work hours and tune in to your work tasks.
3. Stick to your Work
Don’t get distracted by mundane matters. Adhere to the regime: get up at the same time as when you work in the office. The minutes or hours you save for travel can be spent on personal development. When working remotely, it is best to divide tasks into subtasks and increase the number of deadlines – in this way you have a better chance of keeping the entire amount of planned work in focus.
4. Set your surrounds destractive free
Effective work is possible provided that you eliminate distractions – websites, social networks, and, of course, household members. During working hours, try to avoid them as much as possible. But do not forget about the breaks, so that the brain has the opportunity to switch and rest. Also do not avoid physical activity – it is enough every half an hour to get up and stretch on the spot.
5. Organize your Workspace

It is equally important to organize your workplace. Working on the bed is not the best idea, because by the end of the day you will definitely have a sore back and your productivity will obviously decrease. The workplace at home should be comfortable and convenient, and this should be taken care of in advance. Of course, do not forget about communication with colleagues.
6. Interact with your Team Frequently

Support the team. Besides quarantine and work, there are different topics to discuss. This is important when you work remotely. For example, we arrange funny flash mobs: we take pictures of our workplaces, pets, we throw down humorous predictions of horoscopes, take selfies in extravagant hats and images. Otherwise – employees will burn out, life will turn into nothing but work, fear for the future.
It is not necessary to abandon the daily work rituals. Even help familiar rituals that exist in the team.
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Therefore, it is quite possible to work from home very productively and interestingly, and on top of that, there will also be a lot of time for yourself and your loved ones. Following the above-stated tips will help you in improving your productivity at work.
I hope this tutorial helped you to know about How To Work Properly at Home. If you want to say anything, let us know through the comment sections. If you like this article, please share it and follow WhatVwant on Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube for more Technical tips.
How To Work Properly at Home – FAQs
Is working at home fun?
It’s all too easy to lose track of time when working from home, so try to keep yourself and your colleagues in a routine.
What are the disadvantages of working from home?
Some of the disadvantages of working from home are Lack of Motivation, Lack of a Good working environment, Burnout, Risk of Productivity, and much more.
Why is working from home better?
One of the advantages of working from home is doing away with travelling time. This saves time and gives way to better productivity as you don’t need to travel to the office.