Internet Protection, Personal or for your business protection, when online, is one of the hardest things to achieve. Read this article and make yourself more secure when on the Internet.
Internet Protection: How To Protect Yourself When You Are On The Internet
The advent of the internet as a new electronic medium meant a turning point, not just in the communication and the availability of information, but it greatly contributed to changing the way of life. So the emergence of email, online commerce and online banking, social networks and the like, on the one hand greatly facilitated daily life, but on the other has opened up new privacy opportunities.
Therefore, it is important to emphasize that Internet literacy educators need to be educated in order to know better to protect. Privacy can be compromised in many ways – by posting personal information, such as first and last name, address of residence, telephone number, bank account number and the like, and by posting your own photos and videos. Although every internet user is potentially at risk, that is why media and other means of education are important to help spread awareness about the potential risk of it, from an early age. Self-protection and encryption methods data are some of the privacy options.
The term Internet refers to a global set of mutually connected computer networks that they exchange data via an Internet protocol. In other words, the internet is just a deal – it’s neither a legal entity nor a technical infrastructure. No owner, no governing body, no ownership, it exists only on the individual networks that make it up. Furthermore, it has no hierarchy, neither in technology, nor any organization nor in infrastructure. Computer networks have existed before. However, it is considered a turning point not only in technology but also in lifestyle.
Privacy is one of the key problems of using the Internet. Namely, existing one’s technologies have made it possible to collect personal information very easily and almost free of charge and monitor the online activities of users, which is fertile ground for their misuse. It is important to make the use of search engine and social networking services safer not to forget that everything published through them can become public at some point, and therefore available to anyone.

Parallel to the development and implementation of computer networks Internet type, various protection mechanisms are being developed specialized in defense against particular types of attack. Internet type computer networks, in addition to providing a remarkable increase in efficiency and cost reduction, represent the critical security point of an organization with points of view of the security of information transmitted in the system.
The biggest security bugs concern the end-user, to corporate governance and IT professionals. The most common types of attacks on computer networks Internet types are eavesdropping, phishing, attack type termination of service, repetition of sent messages, password guessing, cryptanalysis, Trojan type attacks horses, viruses. Possible ways to defend against these attacks are next: encryption, application of digital signature technology, strong authentication procedure, use of strong keys and frequent change of keys, protection of server addresses, use of digital certificates as uniquely identifying parameters subjects in communication, use of smart cards for digital signature generation, multi-level virus protection.
The pros make the difference between cipher and code. The code allows for replacement character for the character (bit by bit), regardless of language construction message. On the other hand, the code replaces one word in another word or symbol. Codes are no longer used even though they had a turbulent history.
The message to be encrypted, known as plaintext, is transformed by, whose function is the parameters given, the key. Encryption result, ciphertext, transmitted by courier or radio link. It can be assumed that the enemy or the intruder, can hear and accurately record all encrypted text. However, unlike the potential recipient, he does not know the decryption key so it cannot easily decrypt the message.
Sometimes an intruder can, in addition to listening, communicate channels (passive intruder), to intercept messages and then to receive them resends, inserts its own messages into the channel or yes changes legitimate messages before reaching the recipient (active intruder).
Over the last few decades, an increasing number of people have been put before stranger’s problems generating and remembering dozens of passwords to access the growing number of computer services, requiring them to constantly increase the complexity of passwords or changing them frequently. It seems that there is still a need for passwords, not there is a universal solution to manage them.
Most of today’s social networks and other web services use the protections that disable multiple attempts to guess the password. Some services after two or three unsuccessful attempts to log on to the system lock the account or during a failed connection notify the user by email. Possible actions the attacker will, in the event of an attack on a particular individual’s account at a social network, adapt to the type of protection that the network uses.
Various methods of social engineering attacks can try to get the victim to give him a password. One of the most famous methods is targeted phishing. The attacker creates an exact copy of the original web site and the details send emails impersonating, for example, a victim’s acquaintance. It’s in the mail a hyperlink to a fake website designed to steal your password.
In doing so, the attacker applies various methods of faking and hiding the actual URL. Unless the careless victim notices it was a scam, trying to log in to a fake website will have your user information handed over to the attacker. That’s why you should always pay attention to the URL that is called when loading email hyperlinks.
The mistakes users commonly make is using the same password for more web sites. So the attacker can investigate what other internet services the victim is using and his own to target the attack against some of these services that it finds to be far lower security from the target site.
For example, some of the services the victim is reporting to do not use if they don’t have an SSL certificate, because it is possible to intercept network traffic and discover a password. Such web sites should be avoided or have a separate password for them.
One of the more dangerous types of attacks is the keylogger program being hacked onto the victim’s computer. Such a program records everything that is typed on the keyboard. Possible protection is the use of password manager programs that have implemented security when entering data into the web interface. It is also important to avoid entering passwords when using them unknown computers, internet kiosks, etc.

Password Managers
One of the more successful ways to secure your online presence is password managers. Password Manager will help you to securely manage all your multilple passwords using a single master password.
One of those kinds of tools that help you protect yourself better is Stickypassword (85% discounted link).
The importance of a good password can be seen in the example of web-based attack seats that have an account lock policy. If the attacker comes up with a list usernames can attempt an attack by using a single password for all accounts. Lists the most commonly used passwords are publicly available and it is enough for an attacker to choose one or two and a sample of several thousand accounts is likely to hit a few.
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Internet Protection 2020
What is keylogger?
Keylogger is a program being hacked into the victim’s computer. It can record the data type on the keyboard.
What is phishing?
Phishing is a technique used by cybercriminals that can create an exact copy of the original website to hack your data.
How can i protect my online data from hackers?
The best way to protect online data from hackers is by using the best password managers.
Which is the best password manager?
According my suggestion Sticky password is the best password manager to protect your valuable infromation.