Computer Keyboard Shortcuts (Windows & Mac)

This tutorial will give you the list of useful Computer keyboard shortcuts for Windows users and Mac OS users.

Computer keyboard shortcuts (macOS)

Apple Mac OS X keyboard shortcuts play a key role in saving your valuable time. Instead of moving the hand to the mouse and placing the cursor position at a specific point, all the tasks can be done just with the help of keyboard shortcuts.

Control + Media Eject/EjectOpens the dialog with Restart/Sleep/Shut Down options
Shift + Control + EjectAll your displays will be put in to sleep
Command + Alt + EjectPut computer in sleep mode
Command + Control + EjectRestarts Mac after saving / Quitting applications
Command + Alt + Control + EjectQuit all applications then shuts down the Mac
Command + ShiftLog out from your user account after your confirmation
Command + Shift + Alt + QLog out of your OS X user account immediately (you won’t be asked to confirm action)
Command + Shift + Question Mark (?)    Opens the help
Command + Shift + Delete Empty the Trash contents

Note: The following shortcut commands primarily applies to the Microsoft 365 applications for Mac:

Command + ASelects all the content in the app
Command + BMakes the font bold
Command + CCopy the selected content
Command + DFont changes
Command + EAligns the center
Command + FFind in the app
Command + GFind next
Command + HReplaces the content
Command + IItalic font
Command + JJustifies
Command + LAligns the left
Command + MMinimize
Command + NNew document
Command + OOpen file
Command + PPrint the file
Command + QQuit the document
Command + RAligns the right
Command + SSave the changes
Command + TIndent will be hanged
Command + UUnderlines
Command + VPaste
Command + XCut
Command + YRedo the changes done
Command + ZUndo the changes done
Command + Option + EscForce quit window will open and choose the application to forcibly quit that
Command + Shift + Option + EscForce the front application to quit by pressing these keys and holding for three seconds
Command + tabRuns through the Open applications, switches to the application used mostly
Command + Shift + Tilde (~)Switch to the window of the applications used mostly
Command + Shift + 4Take the screenshot of selected area
Command + Shift + 3Take the screenshot of entire screen
Command + SpacebarOpen the spotlight search
Command + comma (,)Front app preferences will be opened
Command + control + Media EjectFront app preferences will be opened
Command + shift +:Displays the window that has spelling and grammar
Command +;Find misspelled words in the document
SpacebarQuick look
Command + Up ArrowInsertion point will be moved to the document beginning
Command + Down ArrowInsertion point will be moved to the document end
Command + Left ArrowInsertion point will be moved to the current line beginning
Command + Right ArrowInsertion point will be moved to the current line end
Option + Left ArrowThe insertion point will be moved to the previous word beginning
Option + Right ArrowInsertion point will be moved to the next word end
Shift + tabMoves the cursor backward
Shift + Page up/Up ArrowMoves cursor position to the beginning of the file
Shift + Page down/down ArrowMoves cursor position to the end of the file

Windows OS Computer keyboard shortcuts

F1Display Help
F2Rename the selected item
F3Search for a file or folder
F4Display the address bar list in File Explorer
F5Refresh the active window
F6Cycle through screen elements in a window or on the desktop
F10Activate the Menu bar in the active app
ALT + F4Close the active item, or exit the active app
ALT + ESCCycle through items in the order in which they were opened
ALT + Underlined Letter in menus and dialog box optionsPerform the command for that letter
ALT + ENTERDisplay properties for the selected item
ALT + SPACEBAROpen the shortcut menu for the active window
ALT + PAGE DOWNMove down one screen
ALT + PAGE UPMove up one screen
ALT + TABSwitch between open apps (except desktop apps)
CTRL + F4Close the active document (in apps that allow you to have multiple documents open simultaneously)
CTRL + ASelect all items in a document or window
CTRL + BMakes the selected text in bold letters
CTRL + C or CTRL + INSERTCopy the selected item
CTRL + D / DELETE DELETE the selected item and move it to the Recycle Bin
CTRL + R or F5Refresh the active window
CTRL + V or SHIFT + INSERTPaste the selected item
CTRL + XCut the selected item
CTRL + YRedo an action
CTRL + ZUndo an action
CTRL + + or CTRL + – Zoom in or out of a large NUMBER of items, like apps pinned to the Start screen
CTRL + mouse scroll wheelChange the size of desktop icons or zoom in or out of a large NUMBER of items, like apps pinned to the Start screen
CTRL + RIGHT ARROW Move the cursor to the beginning of the next word
CTRL + LEFT ARROWMove the cursor to the beginning of the previous word
CTRL + DOWN ARROW Move the cursor to the beginning of the next paragraph
CTRL + UP ARROWMove the cursor to the beginning of the previous paragraph
CTRL + ALT + TABUse the arrow keys to switch between all open apps
CTRL + ARROW + SPACEBAR Select multiple individual items in a window or on the desktop
CTRL + SHIFT + ARROWSelect a block of text
CTRL + ESCOpen the Start screen
CTRL + SHIFT + ESCOpen Task Manager
CTRL + SHIFTSwitch the keyboard layout when multiple keyboard layouts are available
CTRL + SPACEBARTurn the Chinese input method editor (IME) on or off
SHIFT + F10Display the shortcut menu for the selected item
SHIFT + ARROWSelect more than one item in a window or on the desktop, or select text within a document
SHIFT + DELETEDelete the selected item without moving it to the Recycle Bin first
RIGHT ARROWOpen the next menu to the right, or open a submenu
LEFT ARROWOpen the next menu to the left, or close a submenu
ESCStop or leave the current task

Windows key Shortcuts

Let’s check the keyboard shortcuts that help for quick access.

Win + F1 Open Windows Help and support
Win Display or hide the Start screen
Win + BSet focus in the notification area
Win + COpen Charms
Win + DDisplay and hide the desktop
Win + EOpen File Explorer
Win + FOpen the Search charm and search for files
Win + HOpen the Share charm
Win + IOpen the Settings charm
Win + KOpen the Devices charm
Win + LLock your PC or switch people
Win + MMinimize all windows
Win + OLock device orientation
Win + PChoose a presentation display mode
Win + QOpen the Search charm to search everywhere or within the open app (if the app supports app search)
Win + ROpen the Run dialog box
Win + SOpen the Search charm to search Windows and the web
Win + TCycle through apps on the taskbar
Win + UOpen Ease of Access Center
Win + VCycle through notifications
Win + SHIFT + VCycle through notifications in reverse order
Win + WOpen the Search charm and search for settings
Win + XOpen the Quick Link menu
Win + ZShow the commands available in the app
Win + ,Temporarily peek at the desktop
Win + PAUSEDisplay the System Properties dialog box
Win + CTRL + FSearch for PCs (if you’re on a network)
Win + SHIFT + MRestore minimized windows on the desktop
Win + (NUMBER 1-9)Open the desktop and start the app pinned to the taskbar in the position indicated by the number. If the app is already running, it switches to that app
Win + SHIFT + (NUMBER 1-9)Open the desktop and start a new instance of the app pinned to the taskbar in the position indicated by the number
Win + CTRL + (NUMBER 1-9)Open the desktop and switch to the last active window of the app pinned to the taskbar in the position indicated by the number
Win + ALT + (NUMBER 1-9)Open the desktop and open the Jump List for the app pinned to the taskbar in the position indicated by the number
Win + CTRL + SHIFT + (NUMBER 1-9)Open the desktop and open a new instance of the app located at the given position on the taskbar as an administrator
Win + TABCycle through recently used apps (except desktop apps)
Win + CTRL + TABCycle through recently used apps (except desktop apps)
Win + SHIFT + TABCycle through recently used apps (except desktop apps) in reverse order
Win + CTRL + BSwitch to the app that displayed a message in the notification area
Win + UP ARROWMaximize the window
Win + DOWN ARROWRemove the current app from the screen or minimize the desktop window
Win + LEFT ARROWMaximize the app or desktop window to the LEFT side of the screen
Win + RIGHT ARROWMaximize the app or desktop window to the RIGHT side of the screen
Win + HOMEMinimize all but the active desktop window (restores all windows on the second stroke)
Win + SHIFT + UP ARROWStretch the desktop window to the top and bottom of the screen
Win + SHIFT + DOWN ARROWRestore/minimize active desktop windows vertically, maintaining width
Win + SHIFT + LEFT ARROW or RIGHT ARROWMove an app or window in the desktop from one monitor to another
Win + SPACEBARSwitch input language and keyboard layout
Win + CTRL + SPACEBARChange to a previously selected input
Win + SHIFT + .Cycle through open apps
Win + ENTEROpen Narrator
Win + .Cycle through open apps
Win + /Initiate IME reconversion
Win + ALT + ENTERInitiate IME reconversion
Win + +/-Zoom in or out using Magnifier
Win + ESCExit Magnifier

Dialog box Shortcuts

These are the keyboard shortcuts that can be used in dialog boxes.

F1Display Help
F4 Display the items in the active list
TAB Move forward through options
CTRL + TAB Move forward through tabs
CTRL + SHIFT + TABMove back through tabs
CTRL + (NUMBER 1-9)Move to nth tab
SHIFT + TABMove back through options
ALT + Underlined Letter in menus and dialog box optionsPerform the command (or select the option) that goes with that letter
SPACEBARSelect or clear the checkbox if the active option is a checkbox
ARROW keysSelect a button if the active option is a group of option buttons
BACKSPACEOpen a folder one level up if a folder is selected in the Save As or Open dialog box

File explorer Shortcuts

The shortcuts that can be used to work with File Explorer’s windows or folders.

ALT + DSelect the address bar
CTRL + ESelect the search box
CTRL + FSelect the search box
CTRL + N Open a new window
CTRL + WClose the current window
CTRL + mouse scroll wheelChange the size and appearance of file and folder icons
CTRL + SHIFT + EDisplay all folders above the selected folder
CTRL + SHIFT + NCreate a new folder
NUM LOCK + *Display all subfolders under the selected folder
NUM LOCK + +Display the contents of the selected folder
ALT + ENTER Open the Properties dialog box for the selected item
ALT + PDisplay the preview pane
ALT + RIGHT ARROWView the next folder
NUM LOCK + –Collapse the selected folder
ALT + UP ARROWView the folder that the folder was in
ALT + LEFT ARROWView the previous folder
BACKSPACEView the previous folder
RIGHT ARROWDisplay the current selection (if it’s collapsed), or select the first subfolder
LEFT ARROWCollapse the current selection (if it’s expanded), or select the folder that the folder was in
ENDDisplay the bottom of the active window
HOMEDisplay the top of the active window
F11 Maximize or minimize the active window

Taskbar Shortcuts

The keyboard shortcuts to work with items on the Desktop’s taskbar.

CTRL + Click a Grouped Taskbar ButtonCycle through the windows of the group
SHIFT + Right-click a Grouped Taskbar ButtonShow the window menu for the group
SHIFT + Right-click a Taskbar ButtonShow the window menu for the app
CTRL + SHIFT + Click a Taskbar ButtonOpen an app as an administrator
SHIFT + Click a Taskbar ButtonOpen an app or quickly open another instance of an app

Ease of access Shortcuts

These are the keyboard shortcuts to help you use your computer easily.

Hold RIGHT SHIFT for eight secondsTurn Filter Keys on and off
LEFT ALT + LEFT SHIFT + PRINT SCREEN Turn High Contrast on or off
LEFT ALT + LEFT SHIFT + NUM LOCKTurn Mouse Keys on or off
Press SHIFT five timesTurn Sticky Keys on or off
Press NUM LOCK for five secondsTurn Toggle Keys on or off
Win + U Open the Ease of Access Center

Ease of access Shortcuts

These are the keyboard shortcuts to help you use your computer easily.

Hold RIGHT SHIFT for eight secondsTurn Filter Keys on and off
LEFT ALT + LEFT SHIFT + PRINT SCREEN Turn High Contrast on or off
LEFT ALT + LEFT SHIFT + NUM LOCKTurn Mouse Keys on or off
Press SHIFT five timesTurn Sticky Keys on or off
Press NUM LOCK for five secondsTurn Toggle Keys on or off
Win + U Open the Ease of Access Center

Ease of access Shortcuts

These are the keyboard shortcuts to help you use your computer easily.

Hold RIGHT SHIFT for eight secondsTurn Filter Keys on and off
LEFT ALT + LEFT SHIFT + PRINT SCREEN Turn High Contrast on or off
LEFT ALT + LEFT SHIFT + NUM LOCKTurn Mouse Keys on or off
Press SHIFT five timesTurn Sticky Keys on or off
Press NUM LOCK for five secondsTurn Toggle Keys on or off
Win + U Open the Ease of Access Center

Help viewer Shortcuts

These are the keyboard shortcuts that can be used with the help viewer.

ALT + RIGHT ARROWMove to the next (previously viewed) topic
ALT + LEFT ARROWMove back to the previously viewed topic
ENDMove to the end of a topic
F3 Move the cursor to the search box
F10Display the Options menu
ALT + CDisplay the Table of ContentsDisplay the Table of Contents
HOMEMove to the beginning of a topic
ALT + NDisplay the Connection Settings menu
CTRL + FSearch the current topic
CTRL + PPrint a topic
ALT + HOMEDisplay the Help and Support home page
ALT + A Display the customer support page

I hope you know about Apple Mac OS X keyboard shortcuts. If you like this article please share it. Follow WhatVwant on Facebook and Twitter for more tips. Subscribe to WhatVwant channel on YouTube for regular updates.

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