Have you created a mobile (Andriod or iOS) app? Want to Monetize Mobile app? Here is are the ways to mobile app monetization.
Everyone has a hobby and if your was about app creation, there will be one day when you publish it. To be a success your program will need bug correction, new releases, and upgrades. So, the next step you can consider is monetizing your app, and we are going to tell how to do it.
What is Mobile app monetization?
Mobile app monetization is nothing but making money with your mobile app.
There are many ways to monetize mobile app. We are discussing some of them here.
9 Ways to Monetize Mobile app
1. Make it paid at once
Let’s be honest, such an idea is quite challenging. On the one hand, you will receive your money immediately for each loading. On the other, people are not ready to buy a pig in a poke. Besides, they will certainly look for free applications of this type and poor you are if they have succeeded.
So, here some other ways to make money.
2. Offer free and paid versions
People will give you money when they see what they exactly pay for. The only problem is about keeping a healthy balance: if you offer too many free options, there is no need to pay as rest functions maybe not even needed. Make it possible to use for free, but tell how comfortable life your clients can rely on after having an upgrade.
3. Offer trial periods

Let people “taste” your program. 2-3 weeks is enough to see who is who. Further, some developers make using the apps impossible without payment. Others leave just some basic functions.
The second option is more preferable as you behave friendlier and more loyal to your audience.
4. Join advertising networks
There are traditional and RTB ad networks. In both of them, you can behave like a publisher and sell your space for brand owners to show their products to people.
The method is absolutely not new. You should think about formats you would like to be implemented and the theme. Little secret: ads, related to the niche of your app will be mutually beneficial for you and the advertiser.
5. Become an affiliate
The idea is about advertising, too. However, now you have just several partners and promote some of their products. For example, if your app about a healthy lifestyle, you can offer some gym equipment like dumbells of a particular brand and get a commission for each sale made with your help.
6. Offer subscription
Some apps are necessary just for some period, like a VPN. Paying for the app will, first of all, make people use your app. The other point is that you may ask for little sums, for those who need the app just for a week or a month.
7. Sell your code

There are some parts of your code that can be successfully used in other games. Users may not recognize the same basement, while 2-3 hours of your work can be sold as many times as you like.
8. Make it free, but…
Your app may be perfectly cool so that you wish users could enjoy it in full. However, advertising that we have discussed before can become quite a frustrating thing. Offer to pay a bit and enjoy a clean version of your program.
One more option is about gaming ecosystem. We are talking about in-app purchases when gamers have full access to the game, but extra skills, weapons, and other things should be obtained for payment only.
9. Ask for donations
People are not greedy creatures at all. Developers may feel confused to ask money for the product and offer to make some investments if you wish. The level of comfort and experience will be equal for everybody, no matter who paid or not. The only thing here is to make payments convenient (in a popular system like PayPal) and offer stable sums like $1 and the option to donate more, i.e. for a person to choose himself how much he wishes to send.
Guys, what methods of mobile app monetization have you tried?
I hope this tutorial helped you to monetize the mobile app. If you like this article, please share it and follow whatvwant on Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube for more tips.