Read this Able2Extract Professional 12 Review for its details. Once again we’ve been given the opportunity to test the latest version of the feature-packed PDF solution – Able2Extract Professional. You can go back and read our impressions on Able2Extract 11 before we dive in and see what version 12 has to offer.
Able2Extract Professional 12 Review
Expectations are high for a software that is licensed by 90% of the Fortune 100 and going through the list of new features it seems that the developer really did manage to deliver the next level of PDF productivity. They are adding more features to compete with Adobe Acrobat DC.
Here is a brief overview of the new features Able2Extract 12 brings to the PDF game:
- PDF Forms: create, edit and fill interactive PDF forms,
- Insert and remove customized Bates numbers,
- Enhanced PDF editing: insert blank pages, edit PDF text blocks like paragraphs,
- Faster bulk (batch) PDF conversion,
- Improved PDF to Excel conversion.
As you can see, there are plenty of new and apparently handy features. But the price remained unchanged – $149.95. Great value for a professional PDF suite that is equipped with OCR and can work on any operating system (Mac, Windows, and Linux).
PDF Conversion
When it comes to PDF conversion, the old saying “Don’t fix it if it not broken” applies. There are no major changes to the conversion process itself: it has remained as simple as ever. Once again, you can convert your PDF file to one of 12 editable file formats.
However, the developer decided to further enhance the much-acclaimed custom PDF to Excel conversion option. Newly added advanced analysis technology and the ability to name table structures give users a way to handle multi-page table data with even more accuracy and convenience.
PDF Editing
Compared to the previous version, PDF editing has undergone some changes. Alongside options to move, resize, delete, scale and rotate PDF pages users now have the ability to get more control over their PDF content by inserting blank PDF pages that can be further edited like any other page.
On top of that Able2Extract enables its users to make quick enhancements to any textual content on a given PDF page. PDF editor is now capable of detecting blocks of text. This means that users can make adjustments to PDF paragraphs.

Custom Bates Numbering
With the newly implemented ability to add customized Bates numbers, Able2Extract goes one step further and permits users to quickly index PDF pages for easy identification and retrieval. Quite a handy feature if you’re dealing with legal, business or medical PDF files. You can organize your documents by assigning prefixes and suffixes to every page or the whole document and save valuable time in the process.

Upgraded Batch Conversion
The latest version of Able2Extract lets users upload entire directories. This way you can extract more data from your PDF files. Able2Extract can now scan folders for PDF files and automatically convert PDFs located in the given folder.

PDF Forms
We saved the best for last: PDF form filling and editing. This newest addition enables users to interact with PDF forms. Whether you need to fill and edit a PDF form or create a new one from scratch, you can do all that with Able2Extract 12.
Filling an interactive PDF form in Able2Extract 12 is like a walk in the park. Simply open the PDF form in the application and start filling it out. Users can input textual data, select items from combo boxes, insert check marks in check boxes and enter any data necessary.

Moreover, users can even edit and create fillable PDF forms. A great tool to have if you are regularly gathering data. Able2Extract Pro 12 can generate new PDF forms or modify existing ones. Just to name a few form field options: text fields, radio buttons, combo boxes, list boxes, push buttons… Needless to say, all form fields can be customized as per your preference.
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All in all, with the new features and improvements, Able2Extract 12 takes PDF processing to the next level of productivity. If you’re on the lookout for an all-in-one PDF solution and want the Cheap and best alternative to Adobe Acrobat DC, go ahead and try Able2Extract Professional 12. You even don’t have to commit right away as you can test it out free for 7 days.
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