This article will give you the list of Top 5 Best Games which will improve your skills. It gets a bit old being a noob. Gamers are serious about their craft and being competitive at the highest levels requires intense focus, experience, and skill. Acquiring these characteristics is no mean feat. The only way to get ahead in the iGaming universe is through winning.
Developing that killer instinct in games is central to your success as a gamer. Being able to advance to higher levels, collect points, rewards, and insight is the only way to become good at what you play. Besides for the games that you should be playing, there are also psychological tweaks that need to be made to ensure that you become a better gamer. We’ll get to these games in a jiffy, but we’d just like to highlight the following elements needed to succeed with the premium-grade games we are about to share with you:
- A Gaming Mentor
- The Right Attitude
- Go Beyond Your Abilities
- Knowledge of the Game Universe
- Compete Against Tougher Opponents
It’s time to check out the top 5 games that will make you a better gamer. The countdown begins NOW! Before going to play any game, you must have a better-configured PC. You must have enough RAM and the updated graphics card. I also recommend using TweakBit PC Suite (50% Discounted link) which will optimize your PC for better performance during gaming.
- RELATED: How to buy Laptop for Games
- How to Update Graphics Card driver in Windows
- How to increase RAM after checking its compatibility
Top 4 Best Games that Make You a Better Gamer
Video Tutorial
We provided this article in the form of a Video Tutorial for Our reader’s convenience. If you are interested in reading, skip the video for now and watch it after the completion of reading this article.
1. Metroid Prime

Metroid Prime is a non-linear game. It contains multi-connecting worlds with strong correlations and a focus on the lore of the planet. It’s akin to the Zelda-esque tropes, but it is unique and totally captivating. The game itself features a powerful female protagonist who assumes the role of Samus Aran – a tough, no nonsense Bounty Hunter. Here is a game that certainly tests your skills and abilities and will enhance your gameplay like none other.
2. The Witcher 3

Witcher3: Wild Hunt is packed with intense action. The depth and intensity of the game is utterly engrossing. There are scores of complimentary updates and significant enhancements in the game. If you enjoy open world gaming formats, particularly games like Skyrim, this one will certainly not disappoint. The action and the exploration are captivating. The game is detailed and requires a significant investment of time. It is best suited to hard-core gaming aficionados.
3. Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn

Final Fantasy XIV takes you on an extraordinary adventure. The game has won multiple awards and nominations over the years and is enjoyed by 10 million+ players. A Realm Reborn is the story of a thriving planet that is embraced by gods and protected by heroes. One of the heroes is Eorzea. Darkness has gripped the land, and you must fight your way to victory. The game is rated T for teens, and contains scenes of violence, and intense action. The game is rich with dungeons and primals, classes & jobs, and limit breaks. If you’re ready to expand your gaming horizons and become a better player, this is a good place to start.
4. Shadow Complex

Shadow Complex is regarded as a great game for the serious gamer. It was created by Peter David, a comic book writer, and is loaded with 100+ enhancements and items, including power ups. There are master challenges in the game, and you will enjoy all the features with side scrolling action. So, what’s it all about? It’s a shooter game that’s rated T for teen with language and violence. The game itself has won 50 + Editor’s Choice awards, so you know it’s great. This game is remastered for maximum immersion, and it’s loaded up with adrenaline-fuelled action. You can expect the fists and kicks to be flying fast and furious. The game has been called a modern-day super Metroid, and that pretty much sums it up. Gamers are united in their praise of this superior title – with phrases like ‘A Phenomenal Game That Will Blow Away Your Expectations Across the Board.’
I hope this tutorial helped you to know about “Top 5 Best Games that Make You a Better Gamer”. If you want to say anything, let us know through the comment sections. If you like this article, please share it and follow WhatVwant on Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube for more Technical tips.
Top 4 Best Games that makes you a better gamer – FAQs
Is Metroid Prime Remastered successful?
With Metroid Prime Remastered now having sold at least a third of the original’s lifetime numbers, it’s possible that this game can pass that figure in the future, may be even beat out Metroid Dread too.
Is The Witcher 3 free on PC?
You can get The Witcher 3: Wild hunt for free on GOG, as long as you already own it on PS4 or Xbox One.
Is Final Fantasy XIV no longer free?
The big thing keeping the free trial from making FF14 into a free-to-play game all on its own is that once you buy in, there’s no going back.
What platforms is Shadow Complex on?
Shadow Complex Remastered is available for purchase ($14.99) on the following platforms and services: Epic Games launcher, Xbox, and Playstation.