How to see who is on your WiFi Network

Want to know how to see who is on your WiFi network? And want to know the connected devices on your network? Here is the guide.

Why should I see who is on My WiFi network?

The world of the internet has become very vulnerable as hackers are always trying to extract vital information from the users. In the past, things were not as aggressive as it is now today. Due to the strong attachment to the online industry, it has become one of the sweet spots to take financial advantage.

To ensure the safety of the users, the private browsing concept was first introduced in 2005. Later on, things have changed a lot. By using the same network thousands of people are connected through the internet which creates a weak spot for the hackers.

So, is it possible to get the list of the connected device on your network? The obvious answer is YES. Instead of using the traditional approach, various ways can be used to know about the connected device in your network. Let’s dive into the details.

How to see who is on your WiFi

1.Using your router

The best and easiest way to know the connected device in your network is to access the router dashboard. In most cases, you will get access to the router administrative panel by using the URL. The URL is usually placed at the back of the router or the box.

What about the user and password? The default password and user name for most of the devices are set to “admin”. Once you go through that panel, you will get a bunch of functionalities and that can be used to access the personal connection to your network via your windows operating system. But there are some critical steps that you need to know to know the details of the connected users.

2. Network map

Those who are thinking the people can connect to your network only via laptop or smartphone is making a big mistake. Other devices might be connected to your network which can act as a critical access point. For instance, the hackers might use an extended to trick your router and get access to your device.

So, check the network map in the administrative panel so that you know no unwanted device is connected to your network. Once you have secured a network, you can safely browse the internet. It’s more like knowing how to browse in incognito mode. Regularly check your network map so that you know nothing suspicious is connected to your network.

3. Wireless settings

It’s now time to know about connected smart devices like laptops, smartphones, PC, etc. To do so you need to go to the wireless settings of your router. Those who are using dual-band router might have a separate list of connection based on the bandwidth on which they are depending on. Let’s say, you have 4 devices in your home. Your smartphone and TV are connected to 5 GHz bandwidth and your personal computer and tab are connected to the 2.4 GHz bandwidth.

You can indeed see the list of devices connect to your network by using this simple process but can you know what type of device is connected to your network. In most cases, you won’t be able to know the details. However, you will get the most critical information like IP address and MAC or physical address of that device. So, if you feel threatened by any of that device activity, you can band it from accessing the router.

4. Secure your router

The hackers are smart and they know the default settings of the router. After purchasing the router, you must make sure that you have changed the default user name and password of the device. Unless you do so, it will be a big challenge to secure your home network. Learn more about the process by which you can secure a home network and this will help you to stay in the secured internet zone. Make things harder for the hacker so that you don’t have to lose personal information.

5. Use a network discovery tool

So far we have learned about the traditional approach by which we can see the list of devices connected to the network. But to get the detailed information for you can use a network discovery tool. For instance, your router might have been connecting to switch which provides the main data stream. By using a network discovery tool, you can get the list of connected devices on that specific switch also. But this process requires a little bit of knowledge about IP address and routing. Unless you are running an ISP company, the router settings will do the work and give you the required information about the connected device.

I hope this tutorial on how to see who is on your WiFi network helped you to discover connected devices on your network. If you like this article, please share it and follow WhatVwant on Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube for more tips.

How to see who is on your WiFi Network-FAQ

How can i see who is on my wifi network?

There are several ways to see who is on your wifi network some of them are by using your router, Network maps, and network discovery tool.

What the Nestwork discovery tool can do?

The Network discovery tool can give detailed information about the devices on your WI-FI network.

Which is the best way to know the connected devices?

The best and easiest way to know the connected device in your network is to access the router dashboard

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