5 Things You Didn’t Know About PCB (Printed Circuit Board)

While you might be familiar with printed circuit boards(PCB), you might not realize just how interesting these small PCBs can really be. For those who are new to PCB design and manufacturing, there is a lot to learn about how these PCBs work and what they have to offer.

To help you with this, we have put together some of the things that we think you might not know about PCBs. Keep reading to hear what these are.

5 Things You Didn’t Know About PCB

1. There Are Requirements For Manufacturing

The circuit board manufacturing process is a complicated one and designers need to ensure that their designs meet the requirements. There are both general requirements that designers should follow as well as requirements set out by the individual manufacturers. To do this, designers can check out manufacturing requirements online.

2. Components Shouldn’t Be Placed Together

One of the mistakes that many people make when they are designing a PCB is placing components that are similar together. While it can be easier to do this, it can actually cause problems further down the line. Components need to be properly spaced at all times or else things can go wrong and the circuit might not work.

3. They Are Always Changing

As technology advances, PCBs need to do the same thing. This is why PCB designers are having to create designs that are more flexible and that can run at higher speeds, or else they aren’t going to keep up with the demand for products like this. One example of products that are changing the way PCBs are designed is smartwatches. These need to be small and flexible and so PCBs have been adapted.

4. They Were Invented In 1936

Did you know that PCBs were first invented by Paul Eisler who came from Austria? While there had been some whispers of similar technology before that, we first saw the PCB come to life in 1936 when Eisler was working on radio. Of course, the design of these PCBs have changed a lot since Eisler’s time but the main idea was there all those years ago.

5. They Are Green

While you might be aware that PCBs are green, do you know why? The green shade comes from the solder mask that is on the front of the PCB and this is very important. Many designers decided on the green in the early stages as they believed green could allow them to see the faults. This has stuck and now we see PCBs as small green circuit boards.

Look Out For Them

Now that you know a little more about PCBs, you can keep an eye on this technology. These printed circuit boards are in everything that we use and they are likely to stick around for a very long time. As technology advances, there is a lot of potentials for these circuit boards to become something even better than they are right now. Look out for what they have to offer in the future.

I hope this tutorial helped you to know a little bit of information about Printed circuit boards. If you like this article, please share it and follow WhatVwant on Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube for more Technical tips.

5 Things You Didn’t Know About PCB (Printed Circuit Board)-FAQ

Are printed circuit board toxic?

Yes. They are toxic because of some materials present in it.

Which is the main cause to changing the PCBs designing?

One example of products that are changing the way PCBs are designed is smartwatches. These need to be small and flexible and so PCBs have been adapted.

Why these PCBs are in green color?

The green shade comes from the solder mask that is on the front of the PCB and this is very important. The designers also believe that green could allow then to find faults easily.

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