Can’t log in to your Windows PC? Is your Administrator Account disabled? Don’t worry; there is a simple fix. This tutorial will give you a possible method to enable your administrator account. This method works for all versions of Windows.
When you can not log in to your PC, you need to boot your PC in a safe mode to solve any issue. I have already talked about How to get into safe mode in Windows. You must read that article.
How to get into safe mode?
If you use Windows XP or Vista or 7, You need to restart your PC and keep on pressing F8, you will see an advanced boot menu. You need to select Safe mode or Safe mode with a command prompt.
If you use Windows 8 or later version, restart the PC, click the power symbol, Hold the shift key, and select Restart. You will see advanced options. Select Troubleshoot -> Startup Settings. You will see the Boot options menu. Press F4 or F6 to boot your PC in safe mode or safe mode with a command prompt.

Now you may know how to enter into safe mode. Now I will show you a solution to your issue.
Administrator account disabled! How to Enable it?
You can use both safe mode and Safe mode with command prompt. But Safe Mode with command prompt option will give you a quick solution. Follow the above method to get up to boot menu options. Press the F6 key, you will enter into Safe Mode with Command Prompt.
You will see only command prompt.
Just type below line and press Enter.
net user administrator /active:yes

Now close the command prompt. Restart your PC. Your PC will show you the Administrator account.
If you want to disable admin account, you can use below command.
net user administrator /active:yes
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