8 Tips For Making Your Website More Accessible For Your Audience

In this modern digital marketplace where competition is fierce and growing ever stronger every day, it’s important to remain competitive. One excellent way to do as such is to ensure that your website is as accessible as possible. This means accommodating people with various special needs, such as the visually impaired or hard of hearing, etc. In this article, we’re going to share 8 tips for making your website as accessible as possible for your audience.

8 Tips For Making Your Website More Accessible For Your Audience

1. Image alt tags

Every image you publish on your website should be accompanied by descriptive image alt text. This is not only a great SEO practice as it helps Google to identify what your images are about, but it also accommodates users with visual impairment.

2. Be mindful of color contrast

White text on a yellow background is a poor design choice! This is because it makes the writing very difficult to read – whether you have a visual impairment or not.

When designing your website and the visual elements you plan to include, always think about how easy it will be for people to identify.

This is why many modern websites keep it nice and simple with black text on a white background.

3. Descriptive internal linking

When linking internally on your website you should include descriptive anchor text that clearly indicates where the link is leading to.

Which do you think works better?

  • “Click here”
  • “Learn more about our services”

4. Make use of headings and subheadings

Title for Heading of course

Don’t publish a block of text on your website and expect your visitors to want to dig through it to find the information they need. Instead, you should break things up with the use of clear headings and subheadings.

This is also a great opportunity to include your focus keywords – which is helpful for Google when crawling and indexing your website.

5. Video captions & audio transcription of blogs

For any video content you publish on your website (and social media), you should add subtitles for those who may be visually impaired (or would simply like to watch the video with the sound off).

Additionally, it is good practice to add audio transcriptions to your blog content. That way, for those who are visually impaired or perhaps struggle with dyslexia, they can still access and benefit from your content.

6. Make your website easy to navigate via the keyboard

chrome keyboard shortcuts

Some of your website visitors may be unable to use a mouse due to a physical impairment or other difficulties. As such, having a website that has been optimized for keyboard use is a very inclusive feature (e.g., Tab to move through elements / Shift + Tab to go back / Enter to select).

7. Test thoroughly

Always test and refine your website! A modern website should never be considered ‘complete’. The best practice is to constantly test and dial in your website so that it can be as accessible and as user-friendly as possible!

8. Consider making your website multilingual

Particularly if you are catering to an international audience or several specific languages, it is worth having a multilingual website. For example, an Arabic SEO agency might have an English and Arabic version of its website to accommodate both audiences.


If you are struggling to think of ideas on how best to accommodate your audience, why not head over to social media and ask the question? Perhaps you have some customers who love your product but struggle to use your website. This could be an opportunity to gain some valuable insights!

In any case, we hope you’ve found the information in this post handy and wish you well with making your website as accessible as it can be!

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8 Tips for Making Your Website More Accessible for Your Audience – FAQs

What are the 4 Principles of web accessibility?

The Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) are organized by four main principles, which state that content must be POUR: Perceivable, Operable, Understandable, and Robust.

What makes a website easily accessible?

An accessible website does not rely on the mouse; it makes all functionality available from a keyboard.

What makes a website more responsive?

Responsive Web design is the approach that suggests that design and development should respond to the user’s behavior and environment based on screen size, platform, and orientation.

What is accessibility on a website?

Accessibility is the practice of making your websites usable by as many people as possible.

What are the 7C’s website design elements?

The 7C’s Website Design stands for Creativity, Consistency, Clarity, Content, Continuity, Compatibility, and Customisation. These 7 steps provide you with a foolproof process for creating the best website design for your business.

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